Monday 27 April 2009

Hair today

Gone tomorow.

The wee bit of fuzz I had on the barnet started to show signs of comming out today, so I took the short clipper over it (no razor this time, lest the nurse should catch me and punish me as only nurses can). This was ok, as I've been periodically shaving my head for the past few months anyway and have sod-all hair to worry about.

HOWEVER ! Nobody said anything about the nuts and bottom crack? Perhaps I should have guessed, but some preparation would have been good. Now have a peeled walnut for a scotum and a bottom that would make a Thai lady-boy smile.

Puked up tonight's dinner, but not because I'm unwell, just that the dinner was super minging. Managed to gag on it whilst trying to force it down then did the glaswegian "talk myself into puking" thing so promptly brought it all up. I then had a bowl of rice crispies and a banana to make up for it.

Still running a temperature, but less high and don't feel too bad anymore. Trying to get my blood results has been a struggle, but nurse is off to look for them.

My dreaded - sorry, darling - sisters travel by train from Glasgow tomorrow to pay a visit. Looking forward to seeing them and just hope I'm on reasonable form. They're terribly common and working class, but have hearts of gold, bless. It's never been conceded by our parents, but I'm adopted for sure. Culture like what I has isn't just someting you learn. My own suspicion is that I'm the illegitimate love child of a liason akin to Oscar Wilde bonking Princess Margaret - though not that one, obviously.

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