Tuesday 28 April 2009

Day +11: welcome to the wide awake club

Been wide awake since 5:30, when the world's fullest bladder sloshed me from my slumber. 800 ml apparently. Can't get back to sleep now.

It's day +11. Not that I'm setting myself up for a fall or anything, but the betting man in me would lay serious money that I'll show signs of graft today. I'd also note, the betting man in me has never once in his life, ever, won a bet, which is why the betting man in me is kept firmly in check, allowed only to participate in charitable sweepstakes for the grand national - that sort of thing.

Obviously, I'll graft in my own good time and won't be overly gutted if it isn't today.

Yesterday's bloods where Hg 10.9, Platelets 11, Total White 0.0 and Neutrophils also 0.0. Any movement upwards, esp. TW and Neutros means things is cooking.

Oh, temperature seems to be comming down now, finally. 37.6 type zone. Could be the flow of paracetemol or the new antibiotic doing its thing. My racking cough seems not to be there this morning also. All good. All good.


  1. Hi joe
    Have been out of signal for a while so no comments sorry
    Enjoy your blog pleased that you are feeling better today
    We both enjoyed corrie poem good that someone in the family can write

  2. Joe-managed to extract a sample of your DNA from my anal sphincter and combined this sample with a metanalysis of sediment cores carbon dated back to faecal material from 'Olaf the teribbles' discarded dunnie. I then logged the differential quotient, multiplied this binomially and then subtracted all 'gingas' from the final number.
    I can reveal that your mum and dad are, wait for it, ................................................................................................................................................................................................
    Mr and Mrs Brown!
    Strangely enough I did the same for Corrie(minus the DNA!) and the result was Mr and Mrs Black. Kinda spooky eh?
    Apologies for Isla's tirade last night. Sent her to the Circus after all. Lion's got to eat.
    My grannie always used to say, 'a watched stem cell transplant never grafts', so hopefully you can focus on more cerebral matters like your shrivelled scrotum and when you look up, wallah, graft in situ-bingo!!
    All the best,


  3. Hi Joe
    You were not the only one waking at 5.30am this morning. I got up too - in sympathy of course!

    Grafting or not I hope your sisters have invested in good quality handbags (Gucci) and are ready to swipe you with them - just to sort you out and bring you down to earth etc.

    Day 11 and I am not counting. However long it takes, Joe, I would bet on you since you have the constitution of RED RUM. He used to be sick before a race too.... a little known fact.

    Loads of Love and Best Wishes
    From A & B
